WildWays: Empowerting Global Wildlife Rehabilitation
Increase access to resources
I know I have been very fortunate to work with many remarkable people as have so many of my friends and colleagues. It is these people resources that we are needing to access for their expertise so that we do not continue to solve the same issues while practicing on our patients. It is WildWays goal to bring all this knowledge to all our colleagues globally.
Remove language barriers
We are hoping to launch webinars in Spanish, French, Mandarin, and Japanese. We are acutely aware that so much of the material we see and use and deliver, is in English, yet for so many of our friends and colleagues, this is not their first language. The knowledge is so needed, now more than ever, we at WildWays are committed to making this knowledge available to as many members of our community globally.
No repeated mistakes
With the use of expert knowledge and removing any barriers to learning we can make sure that we are not continuing to solve the same issues time and again while practicing on our patients. By capturing this wealth of information over the next years and making this available to all our colleagues globally, we can make this world and our community closer in so many ways.
Unique care options
Wildlife rehabilitation is a profession in its own right. That means caring for each species and in circumstances that are often unique to that individual wild patient. Adapting and creating options for care has come at great cost to many of our patients as we often learned the hard way.
The team behind WildWays
Our team is growing we will announce soon new members, bringing new talent and innovation.
Stay tuned for more news.